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... mostly sex stuff



08-01-2023 15:25 GMT


Indie Music Press Releases (January 2023) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Synthpop artists, bands & labels with news updates announcing the latest music releases, live events/gigs, concert/tour dates, & other entertainment stories, articles & headlines from your favorite indie Synthpop performers & entertainers daily on SRL News.
Music industry update | California, USA | Indie artist, Megan Mcduffee

Pick up a piece of paper and draw a smiley face (like this one - 😀). Write above the smiley face “Have a good day”. Put it in your pocket and carry it with you throughout the day. No, you don’t need to look at it ten times a day or every time you take a break, or whenever you go to the restroom to do a line of cocaine -  Oops!! I mean powder your nose (wink, wink). Don’t even think about it, forget it’s there and go about your day. If you happen to see it and look at it while digging for some change or a condom or whatever you keep in your pockets on a regular working day that’s totally fine but don’t look for it. Now do this throughout the whole week, thinking absolutely nothing of it. Continue doing it, it’s just a piece of paper. It certainly won’t weight you down or get in your way in any way, what have you got to lose right? What do you think will happen before long? Now try writing other stuff down and see what happens - but only one thing at any given time. Don't walk around with a pocket full of loose papers, that's chaos. Write down only the most important one on any given day. 

Writing things down makes them easier. Don’t ask why, just believe it. In fact just before writing this article I pulled a piece of paper out of my pocket, crumpled it up and casually tossed it at the trash can nearby – I didn’t miss. I never miss. I can NEVER miss! I’m so amazing. Yes, I AM. And guess what was written on the piece of paper? Yep, you guessed right – “Honeymoon from Hell”. Swish!!

That’s totally got nothing to do with the actual content or context of this music news story I’m about to tell you. I just thought I’d tell you how we both arrived here to share this wonderful moment together – you reading, and me writing. I’ve totally got butterflies right now, do you feel that too? Don't worry I'm not about to try to kiss you. Also, I wanted to share that information with you so you can share it with any really sad people you know, and together, this amazing secret that gets me through the day can make the world a happier and more prosperous place. 

To sum up – think it, write it!

So ….

Today I discovered that “Honeymoon from Hell” recently became available to stream on Amazon Prime. To be honest I was never into Amazon Prime until I discovered Millennials were using the word Netflix as a slang that is used to refer to, well, mostly sex stuff. Darn Millennials! They’re ruining everything. I love sex but when I tell people I’m watching Netflix with my friends I don’t want them to think it’s code for something else. We're not all like Eddie Murphy - friends can't kiss. They shouldn't, it will totally ruin the relationship, especially if they don't stop there, and they do other stuff - sex stuff. #BoomerangFilm

But what’s so special about the movie I sense you ask. And I’ll tell you. The award-winning horror 2016 MarVista Entertainment film starring Lexi Giovagnolia, Cameron Richardson and Catherine Hicks was scored by a really exciting freelance music composer from California who we love so much and follow so closely. Her name is Megan McDuffee and once you’ve heard the badass, sinister score in the banner video at the link provided further down, you’ll love her very much too. But don’t stop there, explore the other links and find out why Megan is one of the most successful and fastest-rising independent music composers in San Francisco; and why she has had the opportunity to work with so many big name in the television, film and video game industries.

Share this with everyone you know who watches TV. 
Follow Megan Mcduffee on Twitter:

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