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Music News: Always On The Run | The Indie Music Press Release Board | Ava Lemert - In The Works (Soul)


27-05-2019 17:25 GMT


Indie Music Press Releases (May 2019) - Discover the best emerging, underground & upcoming Soul artists, bands & labels with news updates announcing the latest music releases, live events/gigs, concert/tour dates, & other entertainment stories, articles & headlines from your favorite indie Soul performers & entertainers daily on SRL News.

Ava has stolen so many hearts in California, both sax lovers and those who didn't know what they were in for when they unknowingly purchased tickets to a local soul music concert that would change their lives forever. So her next release, "Always On The Run" couldn't have been titled more appropriately. "12welve" was the record that put Ava on the map back in April, 2012. The 11 track album showcased the Sacramento sensation's immense talent on the saxophone and led the way for her to become one of the most in-demand female sax players in Cali today and one of the most exciting the region has ever seen and heard. The forthcoming record, a Lenny Kravitz cover is still at the recording stages and this week she released a sneak preview. [Listen in player below]

Ava in the studio - sneak preview of "Always On The Run":


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